"Teas of the World - Germany"
Ivy Tech Community College : Evansville
Dance Classes
For a number of years we have held classes either at the YWCA or the YMCA. In fact, we originally met all the time at the YWCA in the early ‘70s. The dance classes have evolved over the years and the intent always is to introduce new dancers to the fun and excitement. To the left are a few such photos, in no certain order.
Annual Twelfth Night Celebration
Our annual dance party (somewhere close as possible around Twelfth Night) provides an opportunity for everybody to get together. Some who have moved on or no longer in the area return for a visit to catch up with one another. Food, fun and dance…what else could one want?
Guest Dance Leaders
Ricky Holden, Danielle Ivanova and Suzy Davoust are just a few of those who have enriched our lives as they have shared their talents and gifts. Thank you all!
Below are a few photos from our 50th year of folk dancing.
Our founder, to whom we are truly grateful, Gardner Weber.
We have been dancing since 1971. Over these years we have seen many come and go. At the right and below are just a few of the faces we love to remember from those very early days. Each person has contributed greatly to who we are today.